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Celebrating our departing Grade 12s from the Senior Girls Basketball Spartans:
This first-year guard from Seattle, Washington, is this season’s most-improved player. 已经是一个流畅的射手了, 她今年跑得更快了, 她变得更坚强了, 她改进了她的处理方法。, 她在快攻中成为了一名娴熟的终结者. 甚至更好的, she worked her tail off 和 turned herself into a disruptive defender, deflecting so many passes with her longer-than-you-think arms that she won herself a starting job midseason. 她成功的秘诀? 她真的很喜欢这项运动. No one is happier with a basketball in her h和s, 和 her enthusiasm lights up the gym. In fact, her coaches will be disappointed if she doesn’t do a STEPBACK on her way out of the tunnel! 团队精神,在项目中排名第四,但在我们心中排名第一; 哈莉·卡纳!

杰伊的三年级后卫, 佛蒙特州, began her Spartan basketball career as a super athletic soccer player, 但是没有太多篮球经验. 但她的强度,她的动力,她的“竞争”水平,都是一流的. 就像大学运动员一样. 现在, 三年后, not only has she figured out shooting 和 dribbling 和 power layups in transition, 她把自己变成了最令人生畏的, 斯坦斯特德制造的最好的封锁防御者. 抢断和上场时间都是全队第一, she is a force of nature who is always; the first player to dive on the floor; the first player to call in a huddle; 和 the last player to ever, 永远不要放弃. 本季鼓舞人心的领袖,12号: Camryn摩尔!
来自纽波特, 佛蒙特州, this second-year forward is one of the most mentally 和 physically tough players ever to wear the 红色的 & 白色. 有着神奇的蜘蛛侠之手, 触摸边缘, 还有很高的篮球智商, 本赛季她不仅在得分方面领先于她的球队, 而是在篮板和盖帽上, 也. 她以自己谦逊的方式做了这一切, 从来没有抱怨, 不自私的, 从不消极——从来不是关于她. I mentioned toughness – you may notice when she comes out of the tunnel, 她的手指上戴着夹板, 她两周前弄坏的. Yes, she is going to play with only 3 working fingers on her strong h和, because Of COURSE SHE IS. 被低估的超级巨星的缩影, 一个伟大的球员,一个更好的人, 真正的榜样, #13: 玛迪李普曼!
最后, 这个来自斯坦斯特德的三年级前锋, 魁北克, 实际上她在5岁左右就开始了她的斯巴达生涯, 系在她母亲的臀部上, 参加比赛和比赛, 梦想着有一天她可以自豪地穿上红色的衣服 & 白自己. 现在, 十多年后, she graduates as a Spartan after having her best season on the court, 随着投篮和篮板的提高, 完美的防守阵型, 和, 最令人印象深刻, complete underst和ing of what her team is trying to do AT ALL TIMES. 的犯罪, 的防御, 界外球, she knows Ginobili 和 Duncan 和 Parker better than the coaches do. It is critically important to have someone on the floor who knows exactly WHAT you’re trying to execute, 为什么, 以及如何. 她就是那个选手. 体育菠菜大平台有史以来最真实的篮球运动员,第14名: 海莉沃尔夫!